The Glass Menagerie
By Tennessee Williams
June 12-15, 2025
Directed by Isabella Cesari, Dramaturgy by Mila Frumovitz, Stage Management by Niamh Devon
Original Music by Shreya Jha, Costume Design by Kara Ruiz Austria, Sound Design by Andrea Stewart
We are thrilled to be opening auditions for our June 2025 production of Tennessee Williams's THE GLASS MENAGERIE!
Please read on to find all of the information you will need for a successful audition! The information is also available in this Google Doc. Please reach out to us at thaumatropetheatre@gmail.com
if you have any additional questions.
Auditions are due on Monday, February 24th at 11:59 PM. Callbacks will take place from 12-6PM on Saturday, March 1st.
Tech/Performance Dates:
REHEARSALS: June 10th (Evening), June 11th (Evening)
PERFORMANCES: June 12th (Evening), June 13th (Evening), June 14th (Matinee + Evening), June 15th (Matinee)
Please note: Weekly rehearsals will take place from 6-9 PM on Tuesdays and from 2-6PM on Saturdays.
Show Synopsis:
Amanda Wingfield is a faded remnant of Southern gentility who now lives in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura, who has a physical handicap and debilitating shyness. The father has left home; Tom supports his mother and sister with a shoe-factory job he finds unbearable. When Amanda convinces Tom to bring home from his workplace a “gentleman caller” for Laura, the illusions that Tom, Amanda, and Laura have each created in order to make life bearable collapse about them. (via Dramatists Play Service)
General content warnings: Ableism and ableist language, Dated racial language, alcoholism/alcohol abuse
Audition Requirements:
Submissions will be accepted through this Google form. If you have any trouble accessing/submitting the form, please reach out via email (thaumatropetheatre@gmail.com) to find an alternate way to submit your audition. We encourage performers of any race, gender identity, or sexuality to audition for any role.
Please submit:
A 20th-century monologue no longer than 90 seconds.
An artistic resume, if you have one.
Please note that your monologue selection may have an impact on casting.
A note on casting:
One of the play’s central tensions comes from the family’s struggle to accept and adapt to Laura’s disability resulting from a childhood illness. There is space on the audition form to provide information about whether you self-identify as having a disability if you wish. This disclosure is completely optional. All submissions from performers interested in the role will be evaluated and considered, regardless of whether you choose to fill out this section of the form. No candidate will be excluded on the basis of this section of the form. Our interpretation of the character and her disability, both with regards to physical blocking and character work, will be developed in collaboration with the cast and in particular with the actor in the role of Laura. Please reach out via email if you have any further questions or concerns.
Character Breakdown:
Amanda Wingfield: A former Southern belle who clings to her past. She loves her children, but has trouble accepting them as they are. Amanda is embarrassed by her life circumstances and looks for ways to return to her grand and glittering past.
Tom Wingfield: Amanda’s son and Laura’s younger brother. Tom resents the obligations his mother puts on him and longs to be free of the burden of caring for both Amanda and Laura. He has many secrets.
Laura Wingfield: Amanda’s daughter, Tom’s older sister. She is very emotionally fragile and debilitatingly self-conscious, partially due to an illness in her youth that has left her with a limp.
Jim O’Connor: A colleague of Tom’s and former classmate of Laura’s who comes to dinner. He is an optimist and a believer in the American spirit of self-improvement.